Source code for sklearn_lvq.utils

from operator import itemgetter

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.utils import validation

[docs]def plot2d(model, x, y, figure, title=""): """ Projects the input data to two dimensions and plots it. The projection is done using the relevances of the given glvq model. Parameters ---------- model : GlvqModel that has relevances (GrlvqModel,GmlvqModel,LgmlvqModel) x : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Input data y : array, shape = [n_samples] Input data target figure : int the figure to plot on title : str, optional the title to use, optional """ x, y = validation.check_X_y(x, y) dim = 2 f = plt.figure(figure) f.suptitle(title) pred = model.predict(x) if hasattr(model, 'omegas_'): nb_prototype = model.w_.shape[0] ax = f.add_subplot(1, nb_prototype + 1, 1) ax.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=_to_tango_colors(y), alpha=0.5) ax.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=_to_tango_colors(pred), marker='.') ax.scatter(model.w_[:, 0], model.w_[:, 1], c=_tango_color('aluminium', 5), marker='D') ax.scatter(model.w_[:, 0], model.w_[:, 1], c=_to_tango_colors(model.c_w_, 0), marker='.') ax.axis('equal') d = sorted([(model._compute_distance(x[y == model.c_w_[i]], model.w_[i]).sum(), i) for i in range(nb_prototype)], key=itemgetter(0)) idxs = list(map(itemgetter(1), d)) for i in idxs: x_p = model.project(x, i, dim, print_variance_covered=True) w_p = model.project(model.w_[i], i, dim) ax = f.add_subplot(1, nb_prototype + 1, idxs.index(i) + 2) ax.scatter(x_p[:, 0], x_p[:, 1], c=_to_tango_colors(y, 0), alpha=0.2) # ax.scatter(X_p[:, 0], X_p[:, 1], c=pred, marker='.') ax.scatter(w_p[0], w_p[1], c=_tango_color('aluminium', 5), marker='D') ax.scatter(w_p[0], w_p[1], c=_tango_color(i, 0), marker='.') ax.axis('equal') else: ax = f.add_subplot(121) ax.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=_to_tango_colors(y), alpha=0.5) ax.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=_to_tango_colors(pred), marker='.') ax.scatter(model.w_[:, 0], model.w_[:, 1], c=_tango_color('aluminium', 5), marker='D') ax.scatter(model.w_[:, 0], model.w_[:, 1], c=_to_tango_colors(model.c_w_, 0), marker='.') ax.axis('equal') x_p = model.project(x, dim, print_variance_covered=True) w_p = model.project(model.w_, dim) ax = f.add_subplot(122) ax.scatter(x_p[:, 0], x_p[:, 1], c=_to_tango_colors(y, 0), alpha=0.5) # ax.scatter(X_p[:, 0], X_p[:, 1], c=pred, marker='.') ax.scatter(w_p[:, 0], w_p[:, 1], c=_tango_color('aluminium', 5), marker='D') ax.scatter(w_p[:, 0], w_p[:, 1], s=60, c=_to_tango_colors(model.c_w_, 0), marker='.') ax.axis('equal')
colors = { "skyblue": ['#729fcf', '#3465a4', '#204a87'], "scarletred": ['#ef2929', '#cc0000', '#a40000'], "orange": ['#fcaf3e', '#f57900', '#ce5c00'], "plum": ['#ad7fa8', '#75507b', '#5c3566'], "chameleon": ['#8ae234', '#73d216', '#4e9a06'], "butter": ['#fce94f', 'edd400', '#c4a000'], "chocolate": ['#e9b96e', '#c17d11', '#8f5902'], "aluminium": ['#eeeeec', '#d3d7cf', '#babdb6', '#888a85', '#555753', '#2e3436'] } color_names = list(colors.keys()) def _tango_color(name, brightness=0): if type(name) is int: if name >= len(color_names): name = name % len(color_names) name = color_names[name] if name in colors: return colors[name][brightness] else: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid color'.format(name)) def _to_tango_colors(elems, brightness=0): elem_set = list(set(elems)) return [_tango_color(elem_set.index(e), brightness) for e in elems]